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  • Aggeliki Tsagkaraki

The baptism of little Peter

Stelios and Stella trusted us to photograph their little Petros from the first moment as they had been photographed at their wedding. The choice of the church was the same as the one that was performed and the sacrament of the couple's wedding. Next to them were their beloved relatives and friends who honored them and shared their joy.

The decoration was undertaken by Feneris while the theme of the baptism was travel. The photo of the couple with their baby was taken at their home as it was very close to the church. The time of the couple's arrival at the church plays a very important role as this gives you the opportunity to take more comfortable photos between you, portraits of the baby and your family. The main reason we suggest to couples who choose us to come to church at least an hour earlier is that the baby and themselves will be even more relaxed with more mood and away from the crowds, so that we have the shots you want.

Η φωτογράφιση του μυστηρίου περιελάβανε αυθόρμητες λήψεις, οι οποίες καταγράφουν τα συναισθήματα των γονιών και παππούδων καθώς το μικρό τους αγγελούδι θα βαπτιζόταν.

Ο μικρός Πέτρος κατά τη διάρκεια της βάπτισης ήταν πολύ ήσυχος σχεδόν είχε αποκοιμηθεί στην αγκαλιά της γλυκύτατης νονάς του, ενώ στο τέλος της βάπτισης αποκοιμήθηκε στην αγκαλιά της μαμάς του.

Η φωτογράφιση της επόμενης ημέρας έγινε και πάλι στο σπίτι της οικογένειας και συγκεκριμένα στο δωμάτιο του μικρού ταξιδευτή, το οποίο είχαν επιμεληθεί ανάλογα οι γονείς του.

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